An article by an employee of the Institute of Geography was published in the newspaper "Respublika" 2024-05-03 16:34:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The newspaper "Respublika" published an article by Namazali Mustafayev, an employee of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H. Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, "Nizami and his contemporaries".

The article talks about the contribution of academician Agafangel Krymsky, a prominent representative of Ukrainian literature, Russian-Ukrainian orientalist and Slavist, author of the monumental monograph “Nizami and his contemporaries”, academician Agafangel Krymsky.

It is reported that A. Krymsky is a tireless promoter of Nizami’s heritage in many countries of the world; he is the first Soviet scientist who conducted research on the history of Caucasian Albania, the cities of Sheki and Gabala, and shed light on some dark pages of the history of Northern Azerbaijan in the 2nd-10th centuries. The researcher, who gave a lot of space in his work to the study, research and promotion of the heritage of Nizami Ganjavi, is also the first scholar-researcher of the history of Turkic-speaking peoples, who made an important contribution to the coverage of issues of interaction of Turkic languages with other languages, centuries-old and cultural ties between Turkic peoples.