A new edition of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H. Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan entitled "Problems of Demographic Development and Settlement of the Population in the Aran Economic Region" has been published.
Dr.Sc. Zakir Eminov, General Director of the Institute is Editor-in-Chief of the book , Ph.D. Zaur Imrani, Associate Professor, Deputy General Director is Scientific Editor.
The prospects for the development of the territory of the Aran economic region and the resettlement of the population should be considered in the context of the republic. Compared with a number of economic regions of the republic, despite the fact that the territorial potential of this region is great, the land should be used with maximum economy. New buildings, roads under construction, various social infrastructure should not cover arable land. Depending on the conditions of the relief and the level of groundwater, preference should be given to underground structures. Particular attention should be paid to the organization of public service enterprises in villages. Attention should be paid to the reconstruction and improvement of the quality of education in the region. It is necessary to raise the level of medical care, improve the conditions of hospitals and medical centers, organize them in accordance with modern requirements. Conditions for using the Internet should be created in each locality.