IG celebrates 31st anniversary of Khojaly genocide 2023-02-24 16:48:00 / EVENTS

An event dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the Khojaly genocide was held at the Institute of Geography named after academician H.Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

First, a minute of silence was observed in memory of the victims of the tragedy. The General Director of the Institute, Doctor of Geography Zakir Eminov called the Khojaly genocide one of the most terrible pages in the history of Azerbaijan and noted that the distribution of Azerbaijani territories began on February 26, 1828, with the occupation of Yerevan by the Russian Empire. He stated that the Armenian attack on Khojaly with the help of military equipment taken from the former Soviet troops turned into a real genocide. The main goal of this merciless massacre was to intimidate and weaken the Azerbaijanis by psychological pressure.

Acting Executive Director of the Institute, associate professor Zaur Imrani, chairman of the trade union, Ph.D. Abil Akhverdiyev, Head of the Human Resources Department Rasul Ismailov, Leading Researcher, Ph.D. Etibar Badalov delivered a speech and shared his opinion on the Khojaly genocide. Despite the fact that more than 30 years have passed since the event, they expressed their belief in the triumph of truth, the condemnation of the killers who committed the Khojaly genocide in the international court and their proper punishment.