A meeting with Kazakh scientists was held at the Institute of Geography 2022-11-18 18:52:00 / EVENTS

At the Institute of Geography named after acad. H.A. Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan held a meeting with geographers of the Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after Abay.

The Director General of the Institute, Doctor of Geography Zakir Eminov expressed satisfaction with the meeting with Kazakh colleagues in Baku and introduced them to the scientists participating in the event. It was noted that according to the memorandum signed between the institutes of geography of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, the joint scientific creative activity of the parties has been successfully going on for many years.

After the general director introduced the guests to the institute, he expressed his joy about staying in Baku and meeting with colleagues, director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography of the Kazakhstan National Pedagogical University (KNPU), Doctor of Geography, Professor Kulyash Kaimuldinova. Prof. Kaimuldinova introduced her Kazakhstani colleagues to the meeting participants. Explaining the reason for her visit to Azerbaijan, she said that the main reason is related to the work done within the framework of the project "Training and retraining of personnel on aspects of sustainable development" in the field of science and education. The director, who spoke with great enthusiasm about the university, noted that the institution where she works is among the universities of the world, that the staff of the institute is currently working on 7 well-funded grant projects, that the institution is fully equipped with the necessary equipment, and 100% graduates are employed.

Bahadurkhan Abdumanapov, professor of KMPU, who defended his doctoral dissertation at the Azerbaijan Institute of Geography, discussed the rules for admission to the doctoral studies of the institute, educational programs, the activities of the Digital Student Service Center, opportunities created for teachers and students at the university, teaching geography in schools, preparing textbooks, preparing for admission to higher educational institutions and recruitment of teachers, provided extensive information about distance and online education, the study of the Caspian Sea, the creation of a Turkic-speaking university, etc.

Associate Professor Karlygash Muzdybayeva, Deputy Director for Research and International Cooperation of KSPU, together with Associate Professor Nurzhanat Shakirova, a teacher at the Institute, spoke about the International Scientific Youth Forum, which will be held online in Almaty on November 24, on the topic “Natural sciences, education and scientific paradigms sustainable development” invited his Azerbaijani colleagues to actively participate in the event.

Dr.Sc. on geography Sitara Tarikhazar, Academic Secretary, Ph.D. Zarnura Hamidova, Head of Civil Defense Headquarters Namazali Mustafayev, who expressed confidence that cooperation between the Institute of Geography and the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography of the KMPU will bring positive results for both institutions.

The exchange of books took place at the meeting.

Kazakh geographers were presented with 2 volumes of the three-volume "Geography and ethnos of the Turkic world" translated into Russian. The guests, in turn, handed the director of the institute the geography textbooks they had brought with them.