At the conference, the geographer made a report on the tourism potential of Nakhchivan 2022-10-06 14:08:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS


Rovshan Aliyev, a researcher at the Department of Geography of Tourism and Recreation of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.A.Aliyev, took part in the 6th International Congress on Foreign Trade and Logistics of the Caucasus and Central Asia online. The event was held at Sivas Cumhurieti University in Turkey.

Aliyev made a report at the congress, on the topic "Facts that determined the tourism potential and prospects for the development of Nakhchivan in the future." He gave extensive information about tourism in Nakhchivan, its further development, prospects and problems, and also answered questions from the audience. The report was greeted with approval by private traders.

At the end of the event, active participants of the conference were awarded certificates.