The second volume of the book "Geography and Ethnos of the Turkic World" was published in Russian language 2021-01-05 23:52:00 / NEW PUBLICATIONS

The Institute of Geography named after acad. H.A. Aliyev of ANAS published the second volume of the book "Geography and Ethnos of the Turkic World" in russian language.

The scientific editor of the book is the General Director of the Institute, Doctor of Geographical Sciences Zakir Eminov; responsible for its publication, head of department, Ph.D.,doc. Zaur Imrani.

The second volume of the fundamental work entitled "Economic and Social Geography" is devoted to the independent Turkic states and national formations. As you know, the first volume of the work was devoted to the physical and geographical features of the Turkic world. The second volume examines and analyzes the economic, geographical and social position of 6 independent states and 11 national formations of the Turkic world. The geopolitical position, the economic and geographical position of about 11 million square kilometers, the population of about 200 million people are being studied, the role and participation of these countries in the restoration of the "ancient Silk Road" are analyzed in detail.