Geographer gave an interview about Gubadly 2021-10-25 16:57:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

General Director of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.A. Aliyev of ANAS, Doctor of Geographical Sciences Zakir Eminov gave an interview to the "Telesəhər" program of Azerbaijani television on the occasion of the first anniversary of the liberation of Gubadly.

The scientist spoke about the economic, demographic situation and the geographical position of the region. He noted that the relatively small number of villages destroyed during the Armenian occupation is due to the fact that Gubadly is rich in minerals, and the Khakari and Bargushad rivers, which have sufficient energy potential, flow through Gubadly. Z. Eminov believes that the favorable geographical position of the surrounding villages of Gubadly, the presence of favorable conditions for the development of agriculture could allow the development of these villages in the form of settlements, the revival of the economy of Gubadly in a short time and the return of its residents, who have been living as internally displaced people for more than 30 years.