

Place of birth:

Shamakhi district Məlikçobanı village

Date of birth:

13 December 1954


Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the State University named after S.M.kirov (The current Baku State University)

Faculty of  Physics

Scientific degree:

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences


Senior Research Fellow

Topic of  PhD thesis:

- specialty code:

- specialty name:

- topic name:



 soil science

Electrical and thermal properties of soils

Topic of doctoral thesis:

- specialty code:

- specialty name:

- topic name:



 Soil Science

 Changes in heat-electric and hydrophysical properties of basic soil types in Azerbaijan

Total number of printed scientific publications:

- number of scientific publications printed abroad

- number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases

120 (one hundred and twenty)

 52 (fifty two)


 9 (nine)

Number of patents and certificates of authorship:


Staff training:

- number of  PhDs


Basic scientific achievements:

For the first time, the main types of soil types of Azerbaijan, depending on the physico-chemical composition of the soil, are determined by the fact that heat, electrical and hydrophysical properties are complex.

Names of scientific works:

1.Pozdnyakov A.I., Gulaliyev Ch.G. Electrophysical properties of some natives. Moscow-Baku, Adiloglu, 2004, 240 p.

2.Garaizade A.P., Gulaliyev Ch.G. Heat-physical properties of soils. Baku, Adiloglu, 2006, 204 p.

3.Greinin V.P, Yefimov Y.S, Krasnobabtsev V.I, Salmanov I., Gulaliyev Ch.G. Cooperative observation of star type T Tola di Cefé. The report was published by the USSR, th. 21, No. 3, 1980, p. 247-273.

4.Gairadze AP, Troitsky N.B, Gulaliyev Ch.G. Result of electrostatic permeability of the void. The lecture was VASHNIL. M., 1986, 7, pp. 39-41.

5.Troitsky N.B, Gerayzade A.P. Gulaliyev Ch.G. The dependence between electro- and thermophysical characteristics is evident. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Pochovedenie, M., № 3, 1987, p. 43-48.

6.Gulalliev Ch.G., Troitsky N.B., Gerayzade A.P. On correlation between electric and heat soil characteristics. Soviet Soil Science, 1987, vol. 3, pp. 71-76.

7.Gulaliyev Ch.G. Interconnection of thermophysical parameters with an udelnoy maneuvers // Изв. AN Azerb. USSR. Ser. Biological sciences, 1987, № 4, p. 25-32.

8.Gulaliyev Ch.G., Gerayzade A.P, Troitsky N.B.  Entanglement dielectric parameters at temperature. Reports VACCHIL, M., 1988, №2, p. 9-11.

9.Gulalliev Ch.G., Gerayzade A.P., Troitsky N.B. Functional estimation of Electro-heat-physical parameters of the seismic aspect of multi-parametrical moisture measuring // 15th World congress of soil science. 20-26 august 1998, Le Corum Convention Center, Paris, p. 28.

10.Gulalliyev Ch.G. Delcometric methods and their application in soil hydrophyisical investigations // Proceedings of international symposium on desertification. 12-17 June 2000, p. 238-242, Konya, Turkey.

11.Gulalliyev Ch.G. "Sharing Experiences for sustainable use of Natural resources". 10-13 June 2002, p. 361-366, Canakkale, Turkey.

12.Gulaliyev Ch.G. The concept of udelnoy steamship on the basis of the electro-thermal physicheskogo characteristic // 90 год почвознание в Болгарии Научно-Списание, институт по Почвознанию «Н. Pushkarev, XXXVII, 31-3, 113-116, Sofia, 2002, p. 113-116.

13.Huseynov S.M., Gulahmadov A.X., Mukhtarov T.A., Gulaliyev Ch.G. Pesticides used in agriculture. Baku, Nafta-Press, 2002, 48 p.

14.Gulalliyev Ch.G. About an estimation of the 17th World Congress of Soil Science, 14-21 August 2002, Bangkok, Thailand.

15.Gulalliyev Ch.G. Ecological conditions and soil hydrophysical function in the Pirqulu station and surrounding areas // Works of Geography Society, IX volume, Baku, 2004. p. 386-392.

16.Gulalliyev Ch.G. Temperature permeability of cropped-carbonated mountain-forest soil in the southeastern part of the Greater Caucasus // Works of the Azerbaijan Soil Scientists Society, Volume X, Part II, Baku, 2005. p. 55-60.

17.Gulaliev Ç.G. Modeling of thermal regime of deciduous carbonate-mountainous soils / Azerbaijan Geographical Society, XI volume, Baku, 2007, pp. 76-80.

18.Gulaliev Ç.G. Temperature Transmission Properties of Several Land  Types of Azerbaijan. ADAM Reports, LXIV Volume 5, 2008, p. 68-76.

19.Gulalliyev Ch.G. Determination of Temperature Range with Differential Vuloges with Experimental Dimensions // Journal of the "Bulletin of the Altai State University of Agrarian University", May 5, 67, Barnaul, 2010. 31 -35.

20.Gulalliyev Ch.G. Increase the quality of electric power at the highway //. Severo-Caucasus region. Series: Естественные науки. Southern Federal University. Rostov-on-Don, 2010. № 4, p. 43-45.

21.Gulaliyev Ch.G. Dielectric Properties // Proceedings International Conference «100 years Bulgarian soil science» 16-20 May 2011, Sofia. Part one. c.141-145.

22.Gulaliyev Ch.G. Functional links between electro- and thermophysical characteristics of the world // International Conference on Trends in Agrophysics in Developing Climate Change (in the 80th Agrofizical Institute) // St. Petersburg, 20-21 September 2012. с. 234-238.

23.Gulaliyev Ch.G. Application of thermophysical methods in poisonous research // Materials of the International Year of Jubilee International Scientific Conference "Problems of exploitation: итоги и перспективы" (by the 80th year of the institute природопользования НАН Беларуси) 21-23 ноября 2012 года, г. Minsk.

24.Gulalliyev Ch.G., Kozlova A.A. Udelnoe electric shock absorption and quenching of the Irkutsk region. "Live and Bioconal Systems" "Electronic Periodic Release" Live and Bioconal Systems "" Electronic Periodic Release Output # 6, 2014. URL: http:
(ISSN 2308-9709) Output # 6, 2014

25.Gulalliyev Ch.G., Kozlova A.A Khalbaev VL and others. Physico-chemical properties and utility electric motions of some types of subspecies of South Predbakalya and Priolkhonia. Ejournal. European Geographical Studies, DOI: 10.13187 / egs.2014.3.108 Journal is indexed by: CrossRef, EBSCOhost Electronic Jornals Service, Electronic Scientific Library, Open Academic Journals Index. WWW: http: // 2014, Vol. (3), No 3, pp. 108-115. ISSN: 2312-0029

26.Gulaliyev Ch.G. The hydrothermal regime is transverse - carbonate mountainous pastures with dew. Sat "Fine headstones with sturdy woodland". 2014 year Moscow. p. 165-166. ISBN 978-5-9905012-3-2.

27.Pozdnyakov AI, Kozlova A. A., Pozdnyakov L. А., Gulaliyev Ch.G. Electrosotherms of some of the predominant species of South Predbakalya and Priolkhonia. In the collection. Melioration and aquatic farming XXI century: problems and prospects of development. издания ТВ-ГУ г. Тверь 2014, vol 2, p. 118-126, ISBN 978-5-7609-0954-1.

28.Gulaliyev Ch.G., Kozlova A. A., Gulyalyev E.Ch. The splitting of the property. At the V Congress of Belarusian Communities and agrochemists "Production of fertility and conservation in the modern world" part 1, Minsk, "ИВЦ Минфина" 2015 71-75. ISBN 978-985-7133-18-5 (page 1).

29.Kocharli SA, Gairadze AP, Manafova AM, Gulaliyev Ch.G. The thermal balance of the liquid - lucerne heat. Journal "Agrarian Science". (Agrarian science) 2015. 15-18. Москва- РИНЦ (ISSN 0869-8155) (ISSN 0869-8155)    /71494c6b2b3e38b26d75dfcd015b8c1b.pdf.

30.Gerayzade A.P, Mazirov A.M, Gulaliyev Ch.G..,  Кocharli S.A. Calorimetric determination of power energy in a rasitic biocenosis. Journal "Agrofizika" 2015. № 3 St. Petersburg. S. 31- 36. ISSN 2222-0666.

31.Gulaliyev Ch.G. The viscosity of the moisture and the udder surface of the temperature range. Journal of the "Bulletin of the Altai State Agrarian University", № 8 (130), 2015. 71 -75. Barnaul. (ISSN 1996-4277)

32.Kudryashova S.Y, Chichulin A.V, Gulaliyev Ch.G.. и др. Investigation of the spreading of the Altae-Sayan region with extensive forms of temperature regulators. International Journal of applied and fundamental journals research # 12, 2015, Part 3,

2015/12-3/7959.pdf ISSN 1996-3955 Moscow-2015. p.474-479
33.Gerayzade A.P, Mamedov N.A, Gulaliyev Ch.G. Reconstruction of the water balance by utilizing the energy balance of phytocenosis. J.Tavrevsky in the cash register. Xerson-2016.

34.Gulaliyev Ch.G. It is connected to the pole and vodka electric drive. Sat Actual problems of land utilization, cadastre and land use: Part II. - Voronezh: FGBOU VO Voronezhsky Gau, 2016. p. 35- 39.

35.Вашукевич Н. V., Gulyalyev CG, Kuklina S. L. Diagnostics of the ecological monitoring zones of Baikal using the electrophysical method. J The agraric bulletin of Ural № 02 (156), 2017. p.14-19

36.Gulaliyev Ch.G. The connection between power and water supply. Actual problems of land management, ecology and land use. Sat Approved by Interfax-Kazakhstan. - Kursk: FGNU VNIIZiZPE, 2017. c. 119-122. ISBN 978-5-9909546-4-9.

37.Gulaliyev Ch.G., Chichulin A.V, Gerayzede A.P Characteristics of cross sections between hydrothermal and hydrothermal processes. Таврійський науковий вісник: The magazine of Naukovi. Vip. 98 - Cherson: Gryng Ds, 2017.c. 134-142. ISSN 2226-0099

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations:

1. Soil Science Society Of Azerbaijan

2. Azerbaijan Geography Society

3. V.V.dokucayev Russia named after Soil Science Society

Pedagogical activity:


Other activities:


Awards and prizes:


Main place of work and its address:

Institute of Geography of National Academy of Science of the Azerbaijan.

Baku. AZ1043, H. Javid Avenue 31, 8 floor,


head of the department

Office phone:



(+99450) 388-37-15


(+99412) 346-60-85




[email protected]