

Place of birth:


Date of birth:



Baku State University

Scientific degree:

Doctor of Philosophy in geography



Topic of  PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name


Social- economic and political geography

“Economic- geographical and social problems of developing of the Highland Shirvan”

Total number of printed scientific publications:

- number of scientific publications printed abroad

- number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases





Number of patents and certificates of authorship:


Staff training:

- number of  PhDs


Basic scientific achievements:

Has got investigated regional geography, different types of tourism and its available potential types, possibility of their uses and directions of progress, classification and appraising of tourism recourses, the place of tourism in total development of the country and its progress in other close spheres, has learned forming problems of tourism in Azerbaijan and in the world, has done comparative scientific analysis that, their results were published in conference materials and scientific journals in some years.

Names of scientific works:

1.The development of vine-growing in Highland Shirvan economic region: modern position and perspective. The news of Azerbaijan National Academy of  Sciences, The earth series. Baku 2006 № 1. p.126-130.

2.The geography of  USA. Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic, Azerbaijan university of Languages, Regional department, The syllabus of subject of Geography of the USA ( for higher schools). Baku 2010. p.22.

3.Geography of agriculture. The book of economic, social and political geography of Azerbaijan Republic. Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, İnstitute of  Geography named by H.A.Aliyev. Baku 2010. p.386-324. (together with N.E.Pashayev).

4.The economical geography problems of development of sport tourism in Azerbaijan Republic. Scientific works of Geography Corporation. series XVI. Baku, 2011. p. 406-409.

5.The geography of the France. Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic, Azerbaijan University of Languages. Educational supply. Baku 2013. p.164. (together with N.A.Pashayev)

6.The geography of Germany. Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic, Azerbaijan University of Languages. Educational supply. Baku 2013. p.160. (together with N.A.Pashayev).

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations:

Member of the Scientific Workshop of Dissertation Council and Scientific Council of the Institute of Geography

Pedagogical activity:

The half staff teacher at Azerbaijan University of Language, department “Regional”, faculty  “International relations”

Other activities:


Awards and prizes:


Main place of work and its address:

ANAS, İnstitute of Geography named by H.A.Aliyev. The department of “Azerbaijan economic and social geography”. Az 1143, Azerbaijan, Baku, H.Javid avenue 115


senior scientific worker.

Office phone:



(050) 331-36-15




