Place of birth:

Garajalar village, Gardabani region, Georgia Republic

Date of birth:



Azerbaijan State University, department of physics (now the Baku State University) 

Scientific degree:

Doctor of Technical Sciences


Professor, academician 

Speciality code and title for PhD thesis:



Turbulent exchange in shallow seas and freshwater reservoirs

Speciality code and title for doctoral thesis:


Hydrology Hydrochemistry

Changeability of hydrophysical fields of the Caspian Sea and their influnce on spreading of pollutants

Date of Election as a correspondent member and speciality:



Date of Election as an active member and speciality:



Total number of printed scientific publications: 


Number of scientific publications printed abroad:


Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases:


Certificates of authorship and number of patents:


Staff training:     

- number of PhD

- number of Doctor of sciences



Basic scientific achievements:

For the first time investigated statistical and spectral characteristics of turbulences on wide spatially and temporary scales in the open part of the Caspian sea, has established of general regularity of distribution and propagation of contaminants in the sea. Has elaborated model for definition of parameters of the upper quasi-homogeneous layer on temperature, if there is speed and wind direction, and also flow of heat through a surface of the sea. The non-stationary model for interaction of atmosphere with the sea is designed, which one at a known course of wind speed allows to determine of parameters of a ground atmospheric slice. The physical and geographical model for calculation of propagation and distribution of contaminants in the Caspian sea is designed under different hydro meteorological conditions, with allowance for of bottom configuration and configuration of a coast zone. Investigated the causes of fluctuation of level of the Caspian sea, has established influencing the different factors on fluctuation of levels, and has elaborated a long-time forecasting of fluctuation of level as a first approximation. Has preformed and has emitted the Complex Hydrometeorological Atlas of the Caspian Sea.

Names of scientific works:

1.Исследование процессов турбулентного обмена в мелководных морях и пресноводных бассейнах [Текст]: дис. … кандидата физико-математических наук : 11.00.08. / Р.М.Мамедов. – Москва, 1979. – 176 с.

2.Мамедов, Р.М. Исследование изменчивости гидрофизических полей и их влияние на распространение загрязнения в Каспийском море [Текст] : авт. на соиск. учен. степ. док. тех. наук. / М.Р.Мамедов. – Тбилиси, 1996. – 45 с.

3.Географический Атлас Каспийского моря [Атлас] / М.Р.Мамедов, А.А.Ализаде и Б.А.Будагов. – Баку : Нафта-Пресс, 1998. – 274 с.

4.Изменчивость гидрофизических полей и распрос­­транение загрязнителей в Каспийском море [Текст] / Р.М.Мамедов. – Баку : Эльм, 2000. – 185 с.

5.Xəzər dənizinin hidrofiziki sahələrin dəyişkənliyi və onların çirklənmənin yayılmasına təsiri. Kitabı 2000

6.Caspian Scientific Report (project NR.ICA2– 19991006) [Text] / R.M.Mammadov, G.N.Panin. – Bruxel, 2002. – 132 p. 

7.Современное состояние Каспийского моря [Текст] =Pre­sent state of the Caspian sea / Р.М.Мамедов, Г.Н.Панин, И.В.Митрофанов ; Рос. акад. наук, Ин-т вод. проблем. –  Москва : Наука, 2005 (ППП Тип. Наука). – 355, [5] с.

8.Гидрометеорологическая изменчивость и экогеографические проблемы Каспийского моря [Текст] : монография / Р. М. Мамедов ; отв. ред. Б.А.Будагов ; НАНА. Институт  Географии им. акад. Г.А.Алиева. – Баку : Элм, 2007. – 436  с.

9.География катастроф и риска (зоны влажных суб­тропиков Кавказско-Понтийского региона) [Текст] / Р.М.Мамедов, И.В.Бондырев, А.М.Таварткиладзе, С.А.Ли­­твинская, А.Узун, Г.Д.Ломинадзе. – Тбилиси: Полиграф, 2007. – 358 c.

10.Антропогенная трансформация природной среды Южного Кавказа [Текст] / Р.М.Мамедов, И.В.Бондырев, А.М.Таварткиладзе. – Тбилиси, 2008. – 450 с.

11.Azərbaycanda landşaft planlaşdırılması: ilk təcrübə və tətbiq  R.M.Məmmədov. – Bakı, 2009.

12.Xəzər dənizinin Azərbaycan iqtisadiyyatında rolu [Mətn] :  dərslik / R.M.Məmmədov. – Bakı : BDU, 2009.

13.Piloting Landscape Planning in the Countries of the Southern Caucasus [Text] / Ramiz Mammadov, Hovik Sayadyan, Nodar Elizbarishvili, Michael Garforth. – Baku ; Tbilisi ; Yerevan, 2009. – 180 p.  

14.Xəzər dənizinin hidrometeorologiyası monoqrafiya. Bakı, 2013. – 175 s.

15.Xə­zər də­ni­zi­nin hid­ro­me­teo­ro­lo­ji at­la­sı, Ba­kı : Naf­tap­res, 2014. – 295 s.

16.Qlobal iqlim dəyişmələri və onun Azərbaycanda xüsusiyyətləri . M.Həsənovla müştərək.  Bakı.  Müəllim, 2016.  79 s.

17.Land­şaft plan­laş­dı­rıl­ma­sı: ma­hiy­yə­ti və tət­bi­qi.  mo­noq­ra­fi­ya.   Ba­kı.  Elm və bi­lik, 2016. – 292 s.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations:

1.President of Geographical Society of Azerbaijan

2.National Coordinator for Azerbaijan in the International Oceanological Center of information and exchange

3.President of the Advisory Council of the regional Environmental Center for the Caucasus countries of the European Union.

Pedagogical activity:

BSU, ASPU, Aviation Academy

Other activities:

President of the Geographical Society of Azerbaijan

Awards and prizes:

Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 2016, Order of AR "Shohrat" - 2020

Place of work and its address:

Institute of Geography named after H.Aliyev of ANAS, 115, av. H.Javid, Baku, Azerbaijan



Office phone:

(+994 12) 5382900


(+994 50) 3167358


(+994 12) 5696517


(+994 12) 5396966


[email protected]