Economic and political geography 


(+994 12) 538 59 74


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Head of section:

PhD in Geography Nariman Aziz oghlu Pashayev

Total number of employees:

Basic activity directions:

In the department of economic geography, common researches are held in the field of industry, agriculture, and transport, the territorial organization of social infrastructure as well as new research- in the field of geography, special medicine, tourism, crime, geography and political geography. 

Main scientific achievements:

During the years of independence, following studies were conducted: “Assessment of the natural resources potential of Azerbaijan at national and regional level”, “Economic and socio-geographical problems of development of regions”, “Territorial organization of agro-industrial complexes”, “Territorial organization of tourism, transport and communication systems,” “Directions for solving geopolitical problems”.

 The ways of rational use of natural resources potential have been suggested, scheme for complex development of regions was defined to update and improve the economic unit of Azerbaijan Republic. Maps, diagrams and models were compiled, reflecting the challenges of the economic system of the Republic and a number of monographs and scientific papers were published.