The Institute of Geography named after Acad. H.A. Aliyev basing on the decree-“Classification of specialties on degree study of higher education” adopted by the cabinet of Ministry of the Azerbaijan Republic in March 15, 2012 gives ph. D. study education on the following spcialities:
2508.01 – Geoecology
2529.01 – Cartography and geoinformatics – scientific direction united in itself the investigations on cartography and geoinformatics.
5401.01 – Economic geography – economic geography basing on the efficiency of geographical distribution of labors studies the territorial organization of the productive forces of society in global, regional, state, area and local scales.
5402.01 - Historical geography, political and recreational geography – taking into account of the rest, labors and everyday life, development of personality, life activity of a man, secondary production and exploitation of environment in different historical and social conditions, study space peculiarities of life-activity of a man, forms of territorial organization of tourism and recreation. The political geography studies geographical structures and formation of political map of the world, space organization of political life within the regions and certain countries and its interrelation with distribution and territorial accordance of political forces. The main problems standing in the front of historical geography, political and recreational geography are formation of their theoretical bases, regularities of territorial organization of historical-geographical processes and social infrastructures, suggestions of practice recommendations on forecasting of map of the world.
5402.01 – Human geography – being one of the sections of economic geography studies geographical regularities of the distribution of population and settlements, demographic development, age, sexual, national-ethnic composition of population, structure of settling systems of different natural, historical, social-economic conditions.
5404.01 – Regional geography – is a complex science, systematizing a detailed information on the countries, their different regions, at the same time, about their nature, geographical position, population, economy, culture and social-political organization. The study object of the regional geography is the investigation of formation of its theoretical bases, grounds of rational territorial organization in regional and local scales and suggestions of practice recommendations in this sphere as well.
5405.01 – Atmosphere – scientific discipline uniting in itself the investigations on physics of atmosphere, meteorology, climatology.
5406.01 – Hydrology – a scientific discipline, studying the water objects of the land, processes taking place in them, distribution regularities of river flow in time and space, quality of waters.
5407.01 – Oceanology – a complex sciences, studying the physical, chemical, biological and other processes going on in the world ocean, taking account of astronomic and anthropogenic factors and their relations with atmospheric and lithospheric processes.
5408.01 – Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography, geophysics and geochemistry of landscapes – a scientific direction studying the inside structure, formation, evolution and mechanism of activity of landscape sphere of the Earth and its different component parts (soil and vegetation covers, animal world, climate, relief, surface waters, geological structure and so on).
5409.01 – Geomorphology – a scientific discipline uniting in itself the researches on geomorphology and evolutional geography.
5410.01 – Glaciology and cryology – a scientific discipline studying the different types of glaciation – glaciers, underground ices, snow covers, snow-slip, marine and river ices and formation of ice in total as well, studies the genesis, distribution and evolution of cryosphere of the Earth as a whole.
5411.01 – Meteorology – a scientific discipline uniting in itself the researches on meteorology, climatology, agrometeorology.