Veb-site: |
Place of birth: | Zaqatala disthrict ,Gozbarakh village |
Date of birth: | July 01. 1948 |
Education: | Baku State University |
Scientific degree: | Candidate of geography sciences |
Title: | Senior Research Fellow |
Topic of PhD thesis : - specialty code - specialty name - name of theme | 11.00.07 Hydrology of soil, water resource The intensivity of washing river basins of Nakhchivan ASSR and neighbouring areas |
Total number of printed scientific publications: - number of scientific publications printed abroad - number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases | 61
4 |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship: |
Staff training: - number of PhDs |
Basic scientific achievements: | 1.The methodology was worked out for the changeability of the raise of alluvium of the rives running through Nakhchivan ASSR. 2.Due to the washing of basin surface intensiv it was carried out region forming in the area of Nakhchivan ASSR. 3.The calculation of methods were worked out the changeability of torrents expenditure and capacity taking place in Major Caucasus in the territory of Azerbaijan region forming the territory 4.There was carried out region forming of the area of Major Caucasus in the territory of Azerbaijan due to the flood of alluvium. 5.The classification of torrent was given in the territory of Azerbaijan of Great Caucasus. 6.It was determined out the fractional structure of torrents in the part Azerbaijan of Major Caucasus. 7.The region forming of the area was carried out due to the alluvium of expenditure of the basins of rivers in the Major Caucasus. 8.The contacts of prognosis showing flood alluvium were made. |
Names of scientific works:
| 1.Mamedov J.H.Seasonal distribution of river flow of suspended alluvium of the left tributaries of the Aras river. // AZERBAIJAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCİENCES PROCEEDINGS THE SCIENCES OF EARTH. BAKU,1985, №6, pp.129-135. 2.Bakhshaliyev G.B., Mamedov J.H.Calculation of changeability of the annual flow of estimated alluvium of the rivers of the Minor Caucasus (within the territories of Azerbaijan and the Armenian SSR). // AZERBAIJAN NATİONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES PROCEEDINGS THE SCIENCES OF EARTH. BAKU,1986,№ 3,pp.87-91. 3.Eyubova F.A.,Mamedov On the question of spring-summer heavy fiow progyostigatinq of the mountainous rivers (on the pattern of the Azerbaijan SSR. // AZERBAIJAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES -PROCEEDINGS THE SCIENCES OF EARTH. Baku, 1988, № 6, pp. 80-84. 4.Eyubov A. C., Quluzada V. A., Habiyev H. L., Mammadov J. H. 1998. The torrents of the basins of Shin rivers. Azerb. Academy of Sciences İnstitute of Geografy.Regional Shaki center of science. Baku, 215 p. 5.Mamedov J.H., Abdullayev V.R. The influence of main factors on the changeability of annual flow of suspended alluviums of the rivers in the Minor Caucasus and Talysh (within the Azerdaijan Republic).Transaction of the Azerbaijan Geographical Society. Baku,Vol. IX,2004, pp.410-416. 6.Mamedov J.H. Changes of flows suspended alluvium because of the ecological distruction of the balance of the watershed of Lankaran rivers. // Transaction of the Azerbaijan Geographical Society. Baku, Vol. IX, 2004, pp.417-419. 7.Mammadov J.H. Prognosis of ties of seasonal flows of suspended alluvium.Transaction of the Azerbaijan Geographical Society. Baku,Vol.X, 2006, pp.441-445. 8.Mamedov J.H. The temperature regime of the water of north-eastern slopes of Major Caucasus. Transaction of the Azerbaijan Geographical Society. Baku, Vol. XI, 2007, pp.472-478. 9.Mammadov J. H. Hydrodynamic prodicibility in formulation of flovds in the southern slopes of Major Caucasus. // The Modern problems of water resources and their rational complex use. Baku, 2007, № 2, pp. 8-14. 10.Mammadov J. H. The distribution of the intensity due to the alluvuim of torrents in the parts of Azerbaijan of Major Caucasus. // The Modern problems of water resources and their rational complex use. Baku, 2007, № 4, pp. 17-24. 11.Mammadov J.H.Analysis of factors influencing on changing hydroecologial conditions transit and fronter riveres of Azerbaijan Republic. // Hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring. Baku, 2007, № 4, pp.146-150. 12.Mammadov J. H. Prognosis links of monthly drainage suspended alluvial sediments (within the Azerbaijan Republic) // AZERBAIJAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCENCES PROCEEDINGS THE SCIENCES OF EARTH. Baku, 2007, № 3, pp. 75-78. 13.Mammadov J.H. Functional connections between the most discharges of suspended sediments and river waters. (case study of rivers in the Azerbaijan part of Greater Caucasus) / AZERBAIJAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES PROCEEDINGS THE SCIENCES OF EARTH . Baku, 2009, № 1, pp. 89-93. 14.Mammadov J.H. Methodics of calculation of changeability of greatest expenditure of water of the rivers Major Caucasus (in the territory of Azerbaijan Republic). // Hidrometeorology and Ecology. Almata, 2009, № 3, pp. 91-96. 15.Mammadov J.H.,Rasulov Z.R. Researches of violate hydrological balance raise of alluvium in transit and border of lent tributary of river Araz. / University Branch Geographical Societies of Azerbaijan. Baku Vol.II, 2009,pp.513-519. 16.Mammadov J.H. Dynamic characteristics flowing waters of rives Major Caucasus for vegetation period of plants. University Branch Geographical Societies of Azerbaijan. Baku, Vol. II, 2009, pp.507-512. 17.Mammadov J.H.The pecularities of destribution of granulometric body of mudflow alluvium of Major Caucasus rivers. //Transaction of the Azerbaijan Geoqraphical Society. Baku, Vol.XIV, 2009, pp.385-389. 18.Mammadov J.H.,Rasulov Z.R. Division into regions of the mountains territory of Minor Caucasus and Talysh on the peculiarities of changeability of annual flow of suspended alluviums of the rivers.// Transaction of the Azerbaijan geoqraphical Society.Baku, Vol.XIV,2009, pp.375-380. 19.Mammadov J.H. The balance of hydroecological conditions under influence of flood (on the example of Major Caucasus // News of Baku University. Baku, 2010, №1, pp. 166-172. 20.Mammadov J.H. Modern changes of the drain of the suspended deposits of the rivers of the Major Caucasus. // Transaction of the Azerbaijan Geographical Society. Baku,Vol XV,2010, pp.212-215 21.Mammadov J.H. The methods of calculation majority expenditure of water. // Ecology and Water Economy. Baku, 2010, № 3, pp. 95-99. 22.Mammadov J.H. Pecularities of seasonal flowing raise of alluvium of Major Caucasus // Questions on Geography and Gеоecоlоgy . Almatı, 2010, № 1, pp. 25-29. 23.Mammadov J.H. Seasonal distribution flowing of water of Major Caucasus. // Soil studies society of Azerbaijan. Baku, Vol. Xİ, P. I, 2010, pp.363-370. 24.Mamedov J.H.The methodology of flood alluvium calculation.// Ecology and Water Economy. Baku, 2010, № 4, pp. 65-69. 25.Mammadov J.H. Modern hydroecologial condition of rivers of Major Caucasus (in the territory of Azerbaijan Republic) / VI International Conference “Strategy of Qualitv in Industru and education”. PROCEEDINGS VOLUME I (P.I), Varna, Bulgara, 2010, pp. 356-359. 26.Mammadov J.H. The Pecularities of the changeability flowing of rivers of Major Caucasus under the influence global change of climate. Gydrometeorology and Ekology. Almatı, 2010, № 3, pp. 55-62. 27.Mammadov J.H. The influence of global climate change to the flowing waters of rivers Major Caucasus (in the tcrritory of Azerbaijan). // Collection of sciences works of Institute Water Economics. Tbilisi, 2010, № 65, pp. 163-165. 28.Mamedov J.H.Peculiarities change of flowing raises of alluvium rivers of Great Caucasus in 5 and 10 years periods. //Transaction of the Azerbaijan Geoqraphical Society. Baku,Vol. XVI, 2011, pp.240-243. 29.Mamedov J.H. History of the study development of mudstreams of Major Caucasus from the standpoint of hydrologial aspect. // Ecology and Water Economy // Baku, 2011, № 1, pp. 64-67. 30.Mamedov J.H. Methodics of calculation of changeability of greatest expenditure of water of the rivers Greatest Caucasus (in the teritory of Azerbaijan Republic). // Transactions of the Georgian İnstitute of Hydrometeorology. Tbilisi, 2011, Vol. № 116, pp.132-138. 31.Mamedov J.H. Dinamic pecularities flowing raise of alluvium of rivers for vegetation period of plants in Great Caucasus. // Transactions of the Georgian Institute of Hydrometeorology. Tbilisi,Vol. 2011,№ 116, pp.172-177. 32.Mammadov J.H. Regioning of the area of Great Caucasus according to the changeability of the greatest expenditure raise of alliwium of rivers. // News. RGS Sankt-Petersburg, 2011,Vol.143, Ed.4, pp. 60-67. 33.Mammadov J. H. The influence of global climatic changes on formulation of mudstream in the river of Major Caucausus at present // Innovations and Technoologies Nevs, Riga, 2011,№ 2 (11).pp. 3-10. 34.Mamedov J.H. Classification of torrents and ther evallation. // Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology Georgian Tekhnical University.Tbilisi, 2011,Vol. № 117, pp.43-46. 35.Mammadov J.H. Methodics of calculation of the greatest expenditure of alluvium. // The modern problems of water resources and their rational complex use . Baku, 2011, pp.14-19. 36.Mamedov J.H. The main factors influencing to the formation of mudstreams and their use in development methods of calculation greatest expenditure of water and raise of alluvium and also their variability (in borders of Great Caucasus of Azerbaijan Republic. // Geographical News. Perm, 2013, № 3 (26), pp. 67-77. 37.Mamedov J.H.Gradation structure of flow deposits and alluvial fans and their regularities (based on torrents of Azerbaijani part of the Greater Cancasus. // Perm, 2013, №4(27), pp.40-48 38.Mamedov J.H. The influence of global climate changes to the thermic regime of the rivers of Great Caucasus./2-nd Caspian Internation Aqua Technologies ConferenceMaterials. Azerbaijan, Baku, 2014, pp.585-592. |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations: | |
Pedagogical activity: | Since 2007- geography teacher at the TeachersInstitute, subsidiary Sumgait Since 2013 – geography teacher, at Girds University. |
Other activities: |
Awards and prizes: | |
Main place of work and its address: | Institute of Geography named after H.A. Aliyev Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS); 115 H.Javid ave.Azerbaijan Republic 1143; jumamamedov @ yahoo. com |
Position: | The leading science worker at the department Hydrology and water resources |
Offise phone: | 539 33 36 |
Mobile: | 050 518 38 21 |
Home: | 431 32 51 |
Fax: |
E-mail: | jumamamedov @ yahoo. com |