A new edition of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan entitled "Socio-demographic development of the Yerevan province and problems of preserving toponymy" has been published.
The release of the magazine dedicated to the liberation of Karabakh and East Zangezur is timed to coincide with March 31 - the day of the genocide of Azerbaijanis. The editor-in-chief of the book is Zakir Eminov, the general director of the institute, Doctor of Geography, scientific editors are Doctors of Philosophy in Geography, associate professors Zaur Imrani and Shamil Azizov.
The book, which consists of a collection of articles, analyzes changes in the population of the Irevan province, which is the ancient land of Azerbaijan, changes in its national composition, a gradual decrease in the number of Azerbaijani Turks among the population, a gradual change in toponyms of Turkic origin in the province. The book is intended for scientists involved in population geography, historical demography and toponymy, students of higher educational institutions (bachelors and masters) and a wide range of readers.
In connection with March 31 - the Day of the Azerbaijani Genocide, we bring to your attention the last page of the book, taking into account the relevance of the topic and the wide interest of the readership.
In connection with March 31 - the Day of the Azerbaijani Genocide, we bring to your attention the last page of the book, taking into account the relevance of the topic and the wide interest of the readership.