Geomorphology and environment (selected works)

Khalilov H.A.

The new book of the Institute of Geography named after academician HA Aliyev of ANAS "Geomorphology and environment" has been published.

The book, authored by Huseyn Khalilov, Head of the Department, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, contains scientific and, in part, popular science articles on a number of problems in geomorphology, especially the relationship between relief and the environment. The articles cover the development of geomorphology in Azerbaijan, the impact of relief on the environment and its role in the search for minerals, as well as information about the country's natural monuments and their ecotourism importance, as well as some aspects of the Caspian Sea level fluctuations.

The book may be of interest to experts in the field of earth sciences and teachers and students of universities, as well as the general public.