Scientific workshop is devoted to the eco-geomorphological study of the Ajinohur Foothills...
To the attention of young scientists under the age of 35!...
Republican scientific conference devoted to the 110th anniversary...
Annual report of the IG will be presented...
Conference of Azerbaijani and Russian geographers...
A meeting will be held on the topic: “Place of geography in Wikipedia”...
Training workshop titled “Recognize Azerbaijan” organized by CYSS......
Methodical instructions for preparing reports......
To the attention of doctoral students and dissertators!......
First Azerbaijan-Saudi Arabian days of geography will take place......
Scientific workshop will be held......
Will be held the International conference on "Geological features of the Caspian regi...
To the attention of heads of departments...
Republican scientific conference in Lankaran on “Relationship of man with surrounding natu...
Cİ-nin həmkarlar təşkilatının hesabat-seçki yığıncağı keçiriləcək...
Akademik H.Ə.Əliyevin anadan olmasının 110 illiyinə həsr olunmuş elmi-praktiki seminar ke...
To the attention of doctoral students and dissertators!...
Mirnukh Ismailov gave an interview to AZTV about the consequences of heavy snowfall
Anvar Aliyev gave an interview to Khazar News about the consequences of snow and ice
Amir Aliyev told Space TV about a ghost island in the Caspian Sea