

Place of birth:

Azerbaijan, Siazan district

Date of birth:

04 01 1950        


 Azerbaijan State University, Faculty of  Physics

Scientific degree:

Doctor of Geographical Sciences


 Head of Department Professor

Topic of  PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name



Investigation of the structural characteristic and universal functions of the theory of similarity in the drive layer of the atmosphere

Topic of doctoral thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name



Hydrology of land. Water resources. Hydrochemical

“Fluctions of the Caspian Sea levels and their consequences on the coastal zone of  Azerbaijan Republic”

Total number of printed scientific publications:

- number of scientific publications printed abroad:

- number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases



 5  Science Citation Index (SCI)

Number of patents and certificates of authorship:


Staff training:     

- number of  PhD

- number of  Doctor of sciences



Basic scientific achievements:

1. The establishment of universal functions of the theory of the similarity of atmospheric turbulence for a drive layer.2. Study of the interaction "sea-atmosphere" with the use of a fixed pile platform and a ship.3. Study of different scale (century, annual, seasonal) fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea and their causes4. Based on aerocosmic and instrumental materials, the Coastal Inundation Atlas was compiled 

Names of scientific works:

1.Об  универсальных  функциях для атмосферной турбулентности над морем. В кн.. «Физика атмосферы  и проблема климата », М.Наука, 1980,

2. Мелкомасштабные пульсации температуры в приводном слое атмосферы.. Изв. АН СССР Физика атмосферы и океана Т.17. №5, 1981

3. Взаимосвязь колебания и уровня  и солености  вод Каспийского моря. Метеорология и Гидрология  №7, 1997

4.Динамика изменение уровня Каспийского моря в историческое время и ближайшем будущем. Метеорология и Гидрология  №3, 1999

5.Подъем уровня Каспийского моря и затопления прибрежной зоны Азербайджана Баку «Элм»  2001. 145 с.

6. Modern problems of the Caspian sea -  The Caspian sea – Internation Journal on the collected academic artieles  Astrakhan 1998..

7. Present rise of the water level of the Caspian Sea and its influentse on the economy of Azerbaiijan. Regional workshop on intergrfted Coastal zone managment Iran 19966

8. Problems and prospects of water resoureces  management in the  Azerbaijan . Sustainable use and development of watersheds.NATO – OTAN. Springer 2008

9.The lastsharp eise of the level of the Caspian sea and its influentse on the coastal zone  of Azerbaiijan. Moscou State Universiti . Proc. of the internation conference. 2010

10.Gəmi sürücülüyü hidrometeorologiyası  Dərslik ..Bakı “Elm”2007, 337 s.

11. Dəniz nəqliyyatı cografiyası.  Dərslik Bakı “Elm”2012, 301 s.

12. Meteorologiya və Okeanoqrafiya. Dərslik Bakı 2013, 260 s.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations:


Pedagogical activity:

1983-2003, Baku State University, 2009 - 2012 National Academy of Aviation, 1997 - 2017 Azerbaijan State Maritime Academy

Other activities:

"Head of the Center of the Caspian Sea under the State Committee for Hydrometeorology" .1994 - 2001

Director of the Center for Hydrometeorology of the Caspian Sea - at the Ministry of Ecology. 2002 - 2009

Awards and prizes:


Main place of work and its address:

 AZ 1143, Azerbaijan, Baku, Javid str., 31  


Head of Department

Office phone:

 539 29 45


050  474 15 99


429 40 85




 [email protected]